Siam Paragon: One of Southeast Asia’s Best Food Halls
While Japan has Asia’s best food halls, Bangkok rivals Singapore with having Southeast Asia’s best food halls on the ground floor of department stores. The best can be found in the city’s most premium shopping center, Siam Paragon.
Savory Street Food
The food hall stalls feature street food that you can count on for its quality ingredients and quality in handling. If you stay away from street food on the streets because of its questionable hygiene, Paragon Food Hall is your destination.

Sweet Snacks
Aside from savory food, you can even indulge in classic Thai sweets, both snacks and desserts. There is the classic mango sticky rice with a colorful selection of sticky rice and small, crunchy Thai sweets to nibble on while shopping. Aside from buying and eating, walking around and letting your eyes savor the sights is equally enjoyable.

How to Buy Your Food
As tempted as you be to take our your cash in front of the food stalls to purchase the food, you must first head to the cashiers on the side to buy a Cash Card. You can exchange the card for the change after you are done.
With the Cash Card, you then can head back to the food stalls, point to the food or pictures of what you want to eat, and then give your Cash Card to the seller. Then, enjoy your snacks!
International Restaurants
If you want more than just snacks, you have a wide selection of local and international restaurants for a quality sit-down meal. There’s Thai, Japanese, Mexican, and more for everyone to happily enjoy the meal time.
Gourmet Supermarket
Aside from the food hall, you must also experience the Siam Paragon’s Gourmet Supermarket just next to the food stalls. You can shop for local snacks and ingredients (like fish sauce and sriracha), local fruits and vegetables, and even souvenir snacks to take home.
If you are hungry for more, there are tasting bars to enjoy fresh oysters, sushi, Italian cuisine, and so much more. On weekends, premium snacks are laid out which you can sample before purchasing. Sampling the snacks is one of the most fun parts about exploring Siam Paragon.
Address & Hours
Paragon Food Hall | TripAdvisor Reviews
Siam Paragon Shopping Center
991 Rama I Road, Bangkok
10am to 10pm
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