US Tipping Guide for Restaurants, Bars, and the Service Industry.
Most countries around the world will already include a service charge in your final bill. If the service is extraordinary, of course you will leave a little extra. If not, you simply pay the bill without judgment. In the US, service charge is not included and, instead, a “Tip” line appears after the total bill. Tipping in the US may appear seemingly optional, but it is actually quite expected. Here is a US Tipping Guide for restaurants, bars, and the service industry:
Tipping at a Restaurant
These days, few restaurants are beginning to include gratuity to the final bill. Take note of that detail when your bill arrives. Also, if you are a group of more than 6 persons, the restaurant may automatically include 18% gratuity. If gratuity is already included, then you do not need to add more.
In general, however, US restaurants will not include a service charge and leave it up to you to determine how much tip to give.
Tip does not solely go directly to your server. The amount you add will also be distributed to the kitchen and cleaning staff of the whole restaurant.
The tip amount calculates: Total BEFORE Tax multiplied by 10, 15, 20, or 25%
◦ 25% for exceptional service
◦ 20% for good service
◦ 15% for decent service
◦ 10% if the service was awful but you want to leave a bit for the kitchen staff. Be sure to inform the manager of your grievances. If even the manager is awful, then you may be justified to not leave any tip at all.
Note, no need to tip if for fast food establishments.
Tip for Tipping: If you really cannot calculate percentages, then think, “Tax times 2” by doubling the tax and that is how much you can leave for tip.
Tipping at the Bar
Typically, the practice is $1 per drink. These days, cash is less and less used. So if you have multiple drinks on your final tab, leave 15-20% tip.
Tipping for the Service Industry
◦ Taxi Drivers, 10-15%
◦ Porters (at the airport and hotels), $2 per luggage
◦ Housekeeping, $3-5 per day
◦ Tour Guides, 20%
◦ Hotel Concierge, $10-20 for reservation services
◦ Salons, 20%
◦ Valet, $5
◦ Coffee Shops, $1-3
◦ Food Delivery, $3-5
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