The Best Way to Get from Narita to the City.
There are multiple ways for how travelers can get from Narita Airport to Tokyo. For trains, the Narita Express is most known; while for buses, the Airport Limousine Bus is most popular. Here is information about the Narita Express and Airport Limousine Bus to help you decide which is the best way for you to get to Tokyo:
About the Narita Express
As it is a JR train, this is the best option for travelers with JR Passes. You must first go to the JR Pass Desk and exchange your voucher for the JR Pass ticket. Read A Complete Guide to Japan’s JR Pass for Travelers.
The Narita Express, also known as N’EX, is about a one hour train ride and the fastest way to and from Tokyo Station. The train runs from 7:44 AM until the last departure from Narita at 9:44 PM. There are about 30 minutes between each train.
The train stops at Terminals 1, 2, and 3, Tokyo Station, Shinagawa Station and then forks towards Yokohama to the south and also up towards Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Ikebukuro. Be sure to check your train’s schedule to make sure it stops at your preferred station.
Tickets are purchased prior to getting on the train as every seat is reserved. A single trip to Tokyo costs 3,020 yen; while a round-trip ticket costs 4,000 yen.
Finally, there is limited luggage space in the rear of each train car but keep into account that luggage carts cannot be taken down to the train platforms. Be sure to bring luggage that you can easily transport through the train stations.
Airport Limousine Bus
For the most convenient bus option, take the Airport Limousine bus company. The buses have select schedules in which they stop at many major hotels all around Tokyo. For timetables, fares, schedules, and the complete list of areas and hotels, go to their website.
Tickets start at 2,800 yen and 1,900 for children and seniors. Note for seniors: You must show your ID at the ticketing counter in the airport. Each passenger is allowed 2 pieces of luggage and you can take your hand-carry bags up on the bus.
At Narita Airport, proceed to their ticket counter to purchase tickets and head to the designated bus stop.
For purchasing tickets for your departure, purchase it in advanced online or find the kiosk which is located near the bus stop. Make sure your credit card has a PIN number, otherwise you must purchase your ticket at the counter (for instance at Tokyo City Air Terminal) and not via the kiosk machine.
Read more ways for How to Get To& From Narita International Airport
Narita Express vs. Airport Limousine Bus
Deciding between Narita Express and the Airport Limousine Bus ultimately depends on where you are staying in Tokyo and on your luggage situation.
If you are staying near one of the Narita Express stops and your luggage has ease of mobility, then consider the Narita Express. For those travelers with JR Passes, it is best to take the N’EX as it adds value to your JR Pass purchase.
If you have heavier luggages that will be more difficult to wheel around the train stations, the Airport Limousine is your best option. The staff who takes your bus ticket will also assist you with your luggages for both loading and unloading. For trips back to the airport, you can simply get a luggage trolley for your bags.
Also, if you are staying in a hotel listed as a bus stop, the Airport Limousine is also highly encouraged as you simply have to exit your hotel and ride the bus straight to the airport terminals.
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