Updated! Masks as Protection + Why You Should Wear a Hygiene Mask on the Plane.
In Asia, especially Japan and China, wearing masks is a commonplace. In Western cultures, it appears unusual and often questioned. For airplane rides, masks are actually one of the best travel accessories you can ever use while traveling. Here are 3 reasons why you should wear a hygiene mask on the plane:
1. Keep the Germs Away
Wearing a mask shield you from outside germs. You can freak out a bit less if the passenger in front of you sneezes without covering. At the same time, if you are sick, courteously wear a mask so others around you won’t catch what you have.
2. Humidify the Airplane’s Dry Air
The airplane undeniably has dry air. By wearing a mask, your own breath within the mask humidifies your own air so that your nose and throat will not dry out and get scratchy during the course of the airplane ride.
3. Sleep Better
You can sleep peacefully knowing that you are not breathing in germ-filled coughs while you slumber. At the same time, you’ll sleep comfortably because your nose won’t dry out from the extremely dry air of the plane.
You can buy hygiene masks at your local drugstore or even on Amazon (compare the choices of masks here).
Added info in light of the state of 2020
Wearing Masks as Protection
First of all, masks are not the cure-all solution to avoiding germs. That being said, masks can help lessen the exposure of people breathing in your germs, and vice versa of breathing in other people’s germs. That also being said, if you’re sick do everyone a favor and stay home; if you must go outside then wear a mask.
With masks come its own proper usage and etiquette. Never repeat using a disposable mask. They are disposable for a reason. The outside protective layer that lessens germs flying into your nose and mouth actually collects those germs on that outer part of the mask. So it is vitally important to be careful not to touch that outside layer and most of all to throw it out after usage.
If you’re sick, sneezing, and coughing while using the mask, you should still try your best to cover, muffle it and do it in a way that won’t gush past threw the mask and to everyone around you. Plus the mask itself will quickly get moist. Masks must be changed each time it gets wet.
Bonus: Wearing masks on airplanes also means you won’t have to smell the bad breath of some flight attendants. But! You might smell your own bad breath – so for your own sake, brush teeth well before wearing a mask.
Actual Protection Against Germs
Avoid people that cough and sneeze. Move away from them, don’t breathe near them, cover your mouth. Give them a dirty look if they didn’t cover properly.
Most of all, be mindful of everything you touch. Wash your hands or at least sanitize your hands after touching anything public.
What’s public and dirty to touch?
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