Sunday Shopping for Things I’m Watching, Reading & Buying

It’s Sunday (or Monday or any other day of the week that you may be reading this), and it’s time to go shopping!


What to Watch

Food On the Go
An interesting documentary on the Italian food diaspora. The film particularly highlights how it crossed the Atlantic and into the Americas like the US and Argentina. Plus, details about traditional Italian cuisine as well as Italian-American and Italian-Argentinian cuisines.

Recommended Reading

Speaking of food diasporas and how it travels the world, influences, and evolves, here are some relevant books and cookbooks:
The Hakka Cookbook: Chinese Soul Food from around the World

Sephardi: Cooking the History. Recipes of the Jews of Spain and the Diaspora, from 13th Century to Today

Filipinx: Heritage Recipes froth Diaspora


Suggested Sunday Shopping

I love the brand Pyrex for kitchen essentials. Here are things you must own in your kitchen:
Pyrex Glass Measuring Cup Set

Pyrex Meal Prep Glass Food Storage Containers

Pyrex Lids, too!
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