Explaining the Great Scone Debate.
When it comes to eating scones, one thing is certain – break the scones horizontally in half with you hands. One thing is completely not certain – whether one spreads cream or jam first. Here is an explanation on the great scone debate:
Cream First
The Devonshire method, as it originates in Devon, has one spread clotted cream on each half first and then the jam over. As the cream is more like butter with a thicker, denser consistency, this makes sense in that if the jam is spread first, the thick cream would smear and mess up the jam layer.
Jam First
The Cornish method, originating in Cornwall and also common in London, has one spread jam first and then adds a spoonful of clotted cream dolloped on top. The jam protects the cream from melting on the warm scone and also if the jam is on top, it would smother the taste of the cream.
It is interesting to note that the Queen prefers this method.
Personal Opinion
From enjoying scones and afternoon tea, and if you are not partial to one region or another, then the answer to this debate rests on the consistency of the cream. If it’s dense like a cold slab of butter, then cream first as it’s easier to spread on the scone and cleanly slather jam on top. However, if the cream is more like whipped cream, then jam first so that’s the easier component to spread with the airy cream more easily placed on top. Essentially, the denser spread goes on the bottom.
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