How to Help Others and Be Positive Light in this World.
The world is suffering right now, but even if we are staying home there are still things we all can do to help out.
Be Considerate
Be considerate! First of all, stay at home. Not just for yourself, but for others and the snowball effect of all those that will possibly get infected.
Secondly, you do not need to hoard. Hoarding is selfish. Hoarding means others will not be able to also have enough of the necessities. Just buy what you need for one or two weeks. The shelves will be replenished soon enough by the next time you need to shop for essentials.
Spread Positive Vibes
Share good, positive vibes for yourself and to others. Negativity will get you down, dark, and depressed. It’s a hard time right now. Spread compassion, care, and positivity.
Phone a Friend
Connect with friends and loved ones, especially those that have been directly or indirectly affected. Send a message to check in on your usual friends and even those you haven’t heard from in a while. Social distancing does not have to mean complete isolation. Use your phone and social networks to stay in touch and stay connected.
If you have the faith and beliefs, pray. Prayer means there is hope and consolation. Pray for yourselves, your family, your friends, the frontliners, and the whole world.
In every single country, there is a way to donate. Donate money or donate food. Donate within your own country. This is the time to help those that need support.
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