Originally posted October 27, 2021
Reposted March 23, 2022
Online Shopping for the Most Premium Brands.
There’s nothing like the silkiness of a fresh, premium slice of salmon, that melt-in-your-mouth feel of a luscious lox, and, of course, that dill flavoring from a whole gravlax. Fortunately, today you can easily buy top-quality brands online. First, learn the differences between the three, and then buy each kind to enjoy at home or your next gathering. Here are the top brands for the best smoked salmon, lox, and gravlax:
Best Smoked Salmon
Ducktrap, Cold Smoked Wild Sockeye Salmon 0.25lb, $10.99
Spence & Co., Traditional Scottish-Stye Smoked Salmon, 4 ounce, $9.99
Best Lox
Spence & Co., New York-Style Nova Lox, 4 ounce, $9.99
Acme, Authentic Salted Belly Lox, Pack of 3, $49.50
Best Gravlax
Whole Catch, Cold Smoked Responsibly Farm-Raised, Gravlax Style, 4 oz Frozen, $8.99
Smoked Gravlax, 4 ox, Sliced from Scotland, Guaranteed Overnight, $41.95
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