Common Sense Airport Health Tips to Stay Healthy When Traveling
With all the worry and fears about health safety while traveling right now, here are practical and common sense Airport Health Tips:
Arrival & Check-In Procedures
- Check-in online the day before (or whenever your airline opens up online check-in). If you do not have check-in luggage, you can simply head straight to security. If you do have check-in luggage, the lines are significantly shorter for those that already checked in online and simply need to check their luggages. Shorter lines mean fewer people around you. Fewer people around you mean fewer people with germs.
- Bring your own pen. You may need to fill up your departure card or immigration card or sign your name. If you borrow a pen, who knows what germs are on that public pen.
- Have your hand wipes or sanitizer ready in case you need to cleanse your hands after touching anything public. Maybe you did borrow a pen or maybe you want to wipe down your passport after the check-in counter procedures.
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Security Lines
- For security procedures that require you to take off your shoes, bring extra socks to put on your feet or over your socks. There are so many gross germs on the floor from everyone’s stinky feet and dirty shoes. After walking through the scanner and collecting your things, be sure to turn your socks inside out so the germs collected on it will not transfer inside your bag. Better yet, place the rolled up socks into a plastic bag inside your bag to wash later.
- Before placing your laptop, electronics, bag of liquids, or anything into the plastic bin, put those items into a disposable plastic. Those plastic bins are proven to be the most germ-filled item in airports.
- And because that plastic bin is so gross, put your jacket, wallet, belt, watches, and whatever else you are placing into that bin into another plastic bag or washable reusable bag.
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Lounges & Boarding Gates
- Choose wisely about where you will sit in the lounge or boarding gate. Avoid clustering near other people so there are less airborne germs around you.
- Avoid touching doorknobs and handrails. If you must touch them, bring paper towels to hold the knob or rail.
- At the lounge, be mindful of what you touch. This includes the serving utensils at the food stations. Wash your hands or disinfect them before you eat.
- Always keep disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer readily available.
- After passing through the ID checks, wipe down your passport as it collected germs from each person who had to look at it.
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